
香港电话: (852) 3998 4333   Whatsapp: (852) 5170 8484

常平电话: 0769-8600 1583  微信: GA86001583

盛世家居服務公司由2009年成立, 至今已7年, 服務團隊已超過300人, 並為50000個以上的家庭提供服務, 經驗豐富。公司注重質素及效率, 以客戶為優先考慮, 令客戶感受到親切誠懇的態度, 同時享受方便及靈活的服務。



我們想打造一間提供全面性家居服務的公司, 客戶只須打一個電話, 就可以打點好家中所有事務, 同時亦得到最優質專業, 價錢最實惠的服務!  

公司在短短7年中, 由一間一人公司, 帶領著十多個家務助理, 發展成為一間超過300人, 服務增至二十幾項的公司, 當中我們下了不少苦功, 而我們直至現在, 仍沒有一刻停步, 不斷地改善服務質素、系統流程, 務求成為客戶心目中之首選, 帶領家居服務行業進入新紀元。

Carpet Cleaning

We use high-end carpet cleaning agent and professional carpet cleaning machine, which do not affect the carpet quality after cleaning and absorb cleaning water as much as it can so that the carpet can be dry in short time after cleaning. We also provide pest control/killing service.

The weather of Hong Kong is so warm and wet that dust mites can easily be grown. Their fertility is amazing; they mostly dwell in mattress, sofa, curtain, carpet and similar places. Their main food source is human dander, which cannot be cleaned even doing vacuuming every day. Dust mite can result in sensitive nose and skin. Using disinfectant to clean the carpet is the most effective way. If carpet is not cleaned within one year, it is estimated that there are at least 100,000 dust mites in the carpet. Each dust mite is sized 300 micron, which is only 2% of an ant.

The Procedures of Carpet Wet Cleaning :
Vacuuming and Stains Treatment
Use rotating wipe machine to clean and disinfect the carpet
Use water suction machine to absorb water on carpet

Most customers use this method, because it can wipe clearly the carpet bottom and restore it to its best condition.

3M Scotchgard Protector For Preventing Dirt On Carpet

Scotchgard Protector is a fluoride spray invented by 3M Company. For more than 30 years, the family of Scotchgard has made this brand name synonymous with dirt protection. When sprayed on carpet, the agent will immediately forms a layer of transparent protective film, which is difficult to be damaged, on each piece of fibre, preventing soil, dust and water from infiltrating the carpet fiber. It also make it easy to clean and keep the carpet always look new.

The special fluoride in carpet and fabric anti-fouling agent, which is durable and can prevent water and dirt. When applied, it will form a colorless protective film on carpet or fabric. Only clean and rinse it simply, dirt will be removed. It also extends largely the regular cleaning period and cycle, reduce the frequency of comprehensive renewal and finally reduce the cleaning cost.

3-tier protection : resist liquid, resist soil & dust, prevent infiltration of dirt & stain.
Prevent re-existence of dirt & stain.
Protect fabric effectively, prevent dirt & stain from infiltrating fibre.
After application, if there is any new dirt or stain, just use water to clean it.

Carpet Wet Cleaning Service Fee

 Carpet Wet Cleaning Service Fee



700 square feet or below


701 square feet or above

HK$1.5 per sq. foot

3000 sq. feet or above / need stain removal / expensive carpet

Contact us for quotation

*Extra transport charge for individual area

After bank transfer, please send us the bank receipt by email or whatsapp for confirmation.
*Cheque is not acceptable.





查詢熱線: 3998 4333

Whatsapp:5170 8484 (客服部)

                           5130 0223 (工程部)

                           6690 0810 (會計部)

電郵: goldenage@gahomeservice.com




Golden Age Home Service Limited 

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电话: 0769 - 86001583




  • 星期一至五  上午9点至下午7点

星期六    上午9点至下午1点

Contact  Us


Room 06, 19/F, China Shipbuilding Tower, 650 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, HK

Hotline : 3998 4333

Whatsapp : 5170 8484

Email : goldenage@gahomeservice.com

Office Hours:

Monday to Friday, 9am to 7pm Saturday, 9am to 1pm
Sunday & Public Holiday, Closed

Bank Account Information: Golden Age Home Service Limited
Bank of China: 012-887-1-072498-5

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